Main Objective, Arms of Service & Programs

Main Objective
Our goal is to establish the first Adult Leukemia Foundation in the Philippines, featuring an Adult Leukemia Center recognized for its unwavering commitment to faith as a source of hope, healing, and provision.
Arms of Service
To achieve the Foundation's primary objective, EPCALM is structured into three distinct service arms:
Spiritual Arm (Spiritual Ministry) – Represents God as the Source of Hope.
Medical Arm (Medical Ministry) – Embodies God as the Healer.
Financial Arm (Resource Mobilization Ministry) – Reflects God as the Provider.
To support the three arms of service, the Foundation offers various programs to assist in implementing activities and services for the ministry arms and to provide additional support for patients and their families.
The programs are as follows:
Outreach Program
Partnerships & Affiliations Program
Advocacy & Awareness Program