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The Medical Ministry endeavors to provide the victims of leukemia with guided options for the best medical care and direct them to appropriate centers for treatment locally, nationally or internationally.

This arm upholds God as the Sovereign Healer and rests not on man but on HIM as the blessed assurance for total healing according to His purpose. Through this arm, victims of leukemia will be given guided options for the best medical care and directed to appropriate centers for treatment locally, nationally or internationally, i.e. Eligible patients might be recommended to known international cancer centers like the National Institute of Health / National Cancer Institute or NIH/NCI in Bethesda, Maryland, USA.

A. Medical Care Ministry

The Medical Care Ministry envisions to provide the best medical care, guidance and

assistance, as Leukemia patients journey through the disease. Following are the

activities of the Ministry:

a. Medical Assessment, Evaluation, Counseling & Referral;
b. Medical Treatment Assistance; and
c. Medical Missions and Medical Screening.

B. Medical Linkages and Networks

The Medical Linkages and Networks Ministry is the support group of the Medical Care Ministry. This ministry will foster relationships and linkages with different Medical Groups and Companies, Hospitals, Medical Facilities and other medical-related organizations, to help in providing medical care to patients. The networks and linkages
that will be established are as follows:

a. EPCALM Medical Professionals Network;
b. EPCALM Hospitals and Medical Facilities Network;
c. EPCALM Ancillary Services Network;
d. Blood Donors Network;
e. Medical Laboratory Linkages and
f.  Drug Company and Pharmacy Linkages.

C. Medical Services

To support the Medical Care Ministry, a Medical Services Ministry will be established. This ministry aims to make available needed professional, diagnostic, therapeutic and custodial supplies and services to Leukemia patients.

a. EPCALM Blood Bank;
b. Professional Medical Services;
c. Medicines and Medical Products Services; and
d. Medical Tests/Screening Services.

 Medical Ministry

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