Outreach Program
The Outreach Program endeavors to provide auxiliary support and guidance to its patients and their families outside of the three arms of service (Spiritual, Medical and Resource Mobilization). The Outreach Program will be the Foundation’s support to the needs of the patients and their families outside of the hospital care. This Program will be in charge of the recruitment, acceptance, training and deployment of EPCALM Volunteers and Champions.

This Program will be the coordinating arm of the Foundation with the other programs and services which the patients and their families may avail while under the care of EPCALM. This Program aims to provide auxiliary financial support to the Leukemia patients and their families in particular through fund raising per patient. This fund raising will be implemented in coordination with the Resource Mobilization Ministry.
Program activities are as follows:
a. Volunteer Management;
b. Family Rehabilitative Services;
c. EPCALM Educational Assistance;
d. Scholarship Linkages and Facilitation;
e. Career Counseling;
f. Social Services Intermediary and Facilitation;
g. EPCALM Hospitality Services;
h. EPCALM Legal Services; and
i. Fund-Drive for Patients.