Partnerships & Affiliations Program
This Program will foster relationships and linkages with
different networks, companies, associations, organizations as deemed necessary to carry out the vision, mission and goals of the Foundation. It will assist the different Ministries in engaging the partners; developing the Memorandum of
Understanding/Agreements, grants/donors/ memberships
agreements. The Program will also conduct monitoring and
evaluation of partners to verify if the stipulations in the
agreements have been implemented by both parties.
A. Establishment of Affiliations and Partnerships
a. EPCALM Donors Network;
b. Corporate, Academe, Government and NGO Network;
c. National Government Departments and Agencies;
d. Local Government Units;
e. Non-Governmental Organizations;
f. Schools and Universities Linkages;
g. International Funding Agencies;
h. Private Corporations;
i. EPCALM Affiliate Foundations Network;
j. Tri-Media Partnerships Network;
k. EPCALM Fund-Raising Volunteers Network;
l. Friends of EPCALM Network;
m. Local Church Partner Network;
n. Medical Professionals Network;
o. Hospitals and Medical Facilities Network; and
p. EPCALM Ancillary Services Network.
B. Customer Satisfaction Service