CML patient remains strong for her family

It has been 12 years since Marilyn Umali was first diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML). At the time of her diagnosis, she found it difficult to accept her circumstance, especially since she has a young family to take care of. While many “what ifs” came to her mind, she never questioned God.
With the help and support of her husband, Marilyn was always reminded that she can handle anything and everything with God. She herself firmly believes that He is always with her. Her unwavering faith has kept her strong, as she focuses on getting better every day for her small children and her caring, loving husband.
Marilyn became a serviced patient of EPCALM in March 2021. She has been on oral chemotherapy as part of her treatment plan. With the high cost of leukemia medicines, she has sought the help of many organizations to help sustain her medical needs. At times, she would have to travel from her hometown in Laguna Province by herself just to secure some assistance from different government agencies in Metro Manila
There would be days when she would miss taking her life-sustaining medication. But she remains hopeful that with God as her source of guidance and strength, she would get the help she prayerfully asks for. With her family’s unconditional love, Marilyn remains steadfast in fighting off the disease. She still manages to do household chores, and bring her children to school. Whenever she has to travel to Manila, she would cook for them first.
At times, Marilyn would also share her spare oral medicine with other leukemia patients. She knows how it feels like to be in their condition, even as she is generous with her words of encouragement with her co-patients. She has never missed attending the weekly online EPCALM Family Bible Fellowship. Her struggles and hardships in life have contributed in making her a strong woman.
She leaves a word of inspiration to all: “Huwag matakot, laban lang. Laging humingi ng gabay sa Panginoon. Huwag sumuko, at magpasalamat sa mga biyaya na binibigay sa iyo na ating MayKapal.” (Do not be afraid, just keep the fight. Do not give up, and give thanks to all the blessings that God has given you).
