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Writer's pictureFEU NSTP Students

Paolo’s Strength Comes From Family

Updated: Dec 12, 2022

Paolo Luces, Leukemia patient, is visited by a group of Far Eastern University (FEU) NSTP Students. Read more of this visit, plus see the video interview of Paolo where he relates that he draws his strength from family and looks up to God for healing.

For almost 2 years, Paolo has been struggling with Leukemia. He has been battling Leukemia since 2010 (see related article – Flight delayed for Paolo). In the process of his struggles, Paolo has always found peace and the urge to live on for his beloved family, and stay strong because of their support and their prayers.

During our last visit, Me and my group mates took our time to chat with our patient. We asked if there were any changes during his last visit to the hospital, which took place three weeks ago. With a smile on his face, Paolo answered that he was doing fine, that his blood flow had no abnormalities, and that he was feeling better, though he still needed a few more consultations followed by chemotherapy, to kill all the cancer cells.

During his free time, he likes surfing the net, listening to songs, or perhaps fiddling with his laptop, and of course, he heartily enjoys spending time with his family. When we asked him whether he learned any life lessons, he replied with these words :

“Always take care of yourself; Just because you’re young doesn’t mean you get to abuse your body”;

While Michelle, his sister says:

“….We are here for him, me and my family, and we ask for prayers and guidance for his sake, his health both physically and spiritually….”

“…..Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light….”

– Albus Dumbledore

Some may say that It’s amazing that Paolo can find hope in his situation, as he is suffering from leukemia, but when we take a closer look, we suddenly understand where he gets his energy; Paolo is happy because he has his family by his side, all of them have faith in God, all are confident that God will see them through this dark time of Paolo’s life.

Click image below to view Paolo’s video in Youtube:

Please help Paolo and his family financially so that he can sustain his Chemo treatments. Click the donate button. Lift up Paolo also and his family in your daily prayers.

FEU NSTP Group Members: Santos, Justine; Rapajon, Alyzza; Homillada, Bea; Bondoc, Nica; Sanalila, Christopher; and Yamsuan, Istvan.

Postscript: Paolo joined our Maker last April 2014.

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