A new Leukemia Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page is now available at the EPCALM Website. This page contains relevant information about the disease we call Leukemia. You can access the FAQ page by clicking on the Leukemia FAQs button found on the Home page of the website (see above). Once you click the button, the link will bring you to the FAQ page, as shown below:

The Leukemia FAQ page will contain the following information:
What is Leukemia?
What are the different types of Leukemia?
What causes Leukemia?
What are the symptoms of Leukemia?
How is Leukemia diagnosed?
How is Leukemia treated?
What are the standard methods for the treatment of Leukemia?
What problems may arise during Leukemia treatment?
What are the known side effects of Leukemia treatment?
Click the button below to go to the Leukemia FAQs page: