Resource Mobilization Ministry
The Resource Mobilization Ministry endeavors to help patients and their families raise funds for their medical needs. It’s not just giving out the “fish” to the patients but to teach them how to fish.
The arm of the Foundation that truly believes and stands that God is the Provider. This arm will be the financial life of the Foundation. Programs and its program components and projects will be set to help patients and their families raise funds for their medical needs. A website will be set up specifically to provide information and guidelines to would be beneficiaries of funding, to allow for worldwide opportunities for aid, to fund the victims’ requirements. This arm will develop connections with charitable institutions like the PCSO or private sectors in the Philippines as well as US based Organizations and Foundations to aid in the growing needs of the Foundation.
A. EPCALM Funds Ministry
The Foundation will implement several fund-raising and fund-sourcing programs to help finance and fund the various Spiritual and Medical Ministries, and also assist patients in generating funds to finance their individual treatment plans. Following are the activities of the Ministry:
a. The HOPE Fund
The Hope Fund is a fund raising campaign embarked by the EPCALM to help patients and their families, through the provision of spiritual, medical and financial services, as they journey towards wholeness.
The fund will be generated from membership contributions and donations from individual, organizational and corporate donors and sponsors, who have signified their intention to support the foundation through regular or one-time contributions to the fund.
The HOPE Fund will also be generated through fund-raising events, like:
• Dinner-For-A-Cause Events;
• Fun Run/Walk for a Cause Events;
• Concerts; and
• Bazaars.
b. World Leukemia Awareness Month
EPCALM joins the world in observing September as the World Leukemia Awareness month (WLAM). EPCALM is spearheading this awareness campaign for leukemia and its multi-faceted concerns from the physical, financial emotional or psycho-social and spiritual aspects. During the celebration, EPCALM will conduct various fund-raising activities to generate funds for the Foundation.

c. Understanding Grief Seminar Series
EPCALM, which aims to provide personalized, practical and family-oriented
support for patients journeying through leukemia, acknowledges that grief is
a universal experience. Recognizing the need to deepen both the understanding
and management of grief across various sectors of society, EPCALM has
designed a comprehensive, yet focused seminar—“Understanding Grief:
The Healing Journey" (A Grief Management Conference).
Grief is an internal experience of thoughts and feelings brought about
by physical loss and or death.
The Conference-Workshops seeks to capture and better understand
real-life grief experiences of Filipinos, to create a deeper awareness of
what they go through. It endeavors to come up with insights on contributory factors
that lead to grief, and more importantly, present some techniques and intervention
strategies that participants can utilize to facilitate self-recovery, healing and
empowering those undergoing grief.

d. Health in Wellness Conventions
EPCALM, in observance of the World Leukemia Awareness Month in
September brings forth its "Hope in Wellness Convention", this will be
a series of conventions, which brings together health and wellness
speakers, enthusiasts and entrepreneurs into one roof, with an
All-Star Celebrity Bazaar and auction as the main attraction for the 3-day event.
Also, to stay true to EPCALM's mission to help adult leukemia patients,
a blood-letting activity will be an important and integral part of the event as well.
The convention will gather exhibitors from the traditional and
non-traditional medicine, health and fitness practices.
e. Advertisements
The foundation will also seek paid Print and Web advertisements to its web site:
www.epcalmfoundation.org and EPCALM Newsletter.
B. Fund Partnerships and Linkages Network
EPCALM have no internally generated funds to finance its operations. Funds to run the foundation and finance the services provided to patients have to be generated through sponsorships and donations. Following are the networks and linkages that will be relied upon to bring funds to the Foundation:
a. EPCALM Donors Network
b. Corporate, Academe, Government and NGO Network
The network will be composed as follows:
National Government Departments and Agencies;
Local Government Units;
Non-Governmental Organizations;
Schools and Universities Linkages;
International Funding Agencies;
Private Corporations; and
EPCALM Affiliate Foundations Network.
c. Tri-Media Partnerships Network
A tri-media network will be established locally, nationally and internationally to help draw attention, awareness and support for the Foundation and its patients. The network will be composed of the following:
Print Media Partners;
Radio Media Partners; and
Television Media Partners.
d. EPCALM Fund-Raising Volunteers Network
C. Resource Mobilization Services
In support of the Pastoral Care Ministry, the Medical Care Ministry and the fund sourcing programs, a Financial Services Ministry will be established. This ministry aims to make provide auxiliary financial services to the Foundation as a whole and to the Leukemia patients and their families in particular. Following are the planned services to be provided:
a. Patient Fund-Raising Programs;
b. “Adopt-A-Patient” Program; and
c. Special Events.